EMF Testing Information

Where do electromagnetic fields come from?

EMFs are emitted from many sources, both natural and artificial. Natural sources of electromagnetic radiation include the sun, the earth and even people. Artificial EMR sources include power networks, terrestrial broadcast radio & television, and telecommunications including 3G, 4G and 5G. All home appliances will emit some level of AC magnetic, AC electric, radio frequency and/or dirty electricity field. Wi-Fi routers, DECT cordless phones, Bluetooth devices, Smart appliances, mains-powered clock radios, microwave ovens and heating appliances are some examples. Meter panels, switchboards & electric wiring are also some examples of where emissions may be found.

Are there any risks involved when being exposed to EMR?

While the risks due to excessive exposure from some EMR sources is universally agreed upon, such as ultraviolet radiation from the sun, medical x-rays or gamma rays from nuclear technology, there have been many studies over the past few decades that suggest that exposure to AC magnetic fields associated with power networks and radio frequency wireless also may be harmful to health. The World Health Organisation has recognised that AC magnetic fields and radio frequency wireless emissions are Class 2B possible carcinogens, and a number of studies suggest that these emissions could be reclassified as Class 2A probable carcinogens or even Class 1 known carcinogens. Some countries (not Australia) have decided to take precaution and lower the permitted levels of emissions that their citizens may be exposed to.

Can't I take measurements myself with a cheap meter, aren't they all the same?

Cheaper consumer-level meters are useful as a basic detection tool, though they have their drawbacks for limited accuracy, reliability and sensitivity. If you suspect that your consumer-level meter is detecting a problem in your living or working environment, it is best to discuss your findings with a professional EMF Testing Technician. Professional equipment, training and experience is the only reliable way to take EMF measurements that will assist you in making decisions about your environment. Professional meters have a much higher accuracy, reliability and sensitivity, and the training & experience ensures that the Technician knows how to interpret the measurements.

What is involved in an EMF Testing consultation?

Firstly, a brief discussion via email or phone so that the client can outline the requirements to Electromagnetic Health & Safety.

Based on the client's requirements, an appropriate EMF testing package can be quoted, and a questionnaire sent to the client. The technician will then begin research on the local EMF emissions in the client's area.

On the day of the audit, the questionnaire is discussed, and measurements are taken in as many areas of the premises and in as much detail as is required. This will take several hours depending on the detail required and the amount of rooms/areas to be measured. Most sites take between 3 to 6 hours. Comprehensive assessments may take 7 hours or more.

When an Electromagnetic Field Technician attends, what measurements are taken?

It depends on what the client requires. In the case where a client does not show any symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity or other environmental illnesses, normally a Summary or Basic EMF check is enough to cover the essentials of AC magnetic fields (around 50Hz) and radio frequency fields (200MHz to 8GHz). If more information and detail is required, a Standard EMF audit would be suggested, especially if the client is showing some symptoms of environmental illnesses such as electromagnetic hypersensitivity. If the client is referred by a health professional, then a Comprehensive EMF audit would be the most appropriate choice as this covers all possible exposures including AC electric fields (also around 50Hz) and dirty electricity (10kHz to 100kHz).

Do you provide a report?

Yes, always. A report is always issued for a Summary, Standard or Comprehensive EMF audit. The only difference is the amount of detail included. Even if a client requires measurements to be done outside of the paramaters of a Summary, Standard, or Comprehensive EMF audit, the findings of the consultation are always provided afterwards.

Are you available outside of office hours?

Electromagnetic Health & Safety is flexible and will work with clients to carry out EMF Testing outside of regular office hours if pre-arranged in advance.

Do you follow Building Biology guidelines?

Electromagnetic Health & Safety primarily follows the recommendations of the Australian College of Environmental Studies, which are based on the principles & guidelines of Building Biology and the International Guidelines on Non-Ionising Radiation (IGNIR 2021). Guidelines are provided in every report for the client to compare and discuss with their health professional.

Are you available to speak with my community group about electromagnetic fields?

Yes, Electromagnetic Health & Safety welcomes open discussion with community groups and individuals who are interested in electromagnetic fields and related subjects.

Links for further information:

Australasian Society of Building Biologists


International Guidelines on Non-Ionising Radiation


EMR Australia


Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA)


Microwave News - A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation


EMFacts Consultancy


Australian College of Environmental Studies


Building Biology | Healthy Home Expert


Sam Milham Dirty Electricity


Electro-Sensitivity UK | For all people sensitised by electromagnetic fields and radiation.


SEEN | Safe EMF Education Network Australia


Environment & Communities Safe From Radiation




BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)


BRHP – Between a Rock and a Hard Place | Science Blog on Mobile Phone Radiation and Health by Dariusz Leszczynski


Stop Smart Meters Australia


World Health Organization - Electromagnetic Fields


IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News


Australian Radiation Protection And Nuclear Safety Agency


Australian Communications and Media Authority


Radio Frequency National Site Archive (RFNSA)


Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research


Mobile Network Guide Australia
